Saturday, February 7, 2009

Frank the Tankenstein said...

If World War II fought the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War combined, who would win?

First of all Frank, your name really reminds me of Frankenberry, are you by chance related? Please let me know. Also if you can get me in touch with Boo Berry and the Honorable Count Chocula, that would be great.

Thanks for asking what we all have on our minds: which war would win- World War II or the rest. I noticed that in your list of wars you didn't mention a few of them, namely the Mexican War, the Spanish war the War of 1812, the War on Drugs, the War on "Terra" and of course Star Wars.

World War II would easily win against many wars. Its got spunk, moxie, gumption and the perspicaciousness to win a good fight. The Vietnam War does have the edge on technology and nacotics, but it just lacks the spirit!

But in the words of Ghandi "Can't we all just get along?" I hope one day we will have a world where wars won't fight each other but will be able to peacefully coexist, be they just or unjust wars, cold wars or lukewarm wars, wars need to be able to live together and live in peace and harmony! Isn't that what war is all about after all?

Peace out!